Sending Wind To You

Dear Kalli,

The beginning of your journey had me thinking about Mary today. How might have Mary felt as she left Nazareth headed for Bethlehem? She must have been filled with anxiety and fear, anticipation and faith … and many other feelings.

Upon Leaving Home – by Stephanie Russell
“I left my quiet harbor
In favor of another—I know not where.
But first,
there are seas to cross
and storms to brave.
How could I prefer the foreign deep
to the encircling arms of my bay?
some things
can only be learned
at sea.
Yes, my craft is watertight.
I can navigate the unknown,
And O, the wind that fills my sails
blows from home.”
Christine C gave an amazing talk today about gifts. She said each member of the nativity scene brought a gift: the kings, gold, frankincense, myrrh; the shepherds, spreading the word of Jesus’ birth; Joseph, incredible faith; Mary, love and sacrifice (I think). She talked about recognizing gifts in others, and how we need to see these gifts in both ourselves and in others. She said we should never doubt our own gifts, for we have them to bless and serve others.
Matt M also gave an amazing talk about the three-holiday season: Thanksgiving, for being humble and grateful, Christmas, for sharing and giving, and New Year’s, for implementing change. He talked about this natural progression through all three, that when one has humbled themselves, and served, then they desire to make changes to be more like the Lord.
Hope you are loving South Africa! Sending wind from us to you…
Sarah H and US

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