Dear Kalli,

I was in a spin class the other day, and the instructor gave some valuable advice (at least I think!). Although the words directly apply to spinning, they indirectly apply to life and life’s challenges. In terms of the class, we were about 2/3rds of the way through, and we began to climb a mountain (requiring a low gear, but tons of resistance on the bike) while sitting in the saddle. She said:

“You can’t see the summit.

Don’t wish away the trip to the top.

Feel your muscles working.

Settle into your strength.

Settle into your power.

Don’t think; just feel.”

Sometimes I have a hard time with the word “endure.” For me it feels like I’m just plugging my nose and waving my hand until the smell goes away. (Often exercising feels this way for me – just ignore what my body is doing and push through so I can be done…) Instead, I LOVE the idea of “settling in” – really recognizing, celebrating, and focusing on the moment. I feel like “settling in” is empowering, not just being reactive but proactive. For me “settling in” is connecting with my strength and feeling that power move me forward, inch by inch, revolution by revolution of the spin bike.

Elder Nelson said in April 1997: “If you really want to be like the Lord—more than any thing or anyone else—you will remember that your adoration of Jesus is best shown by your emulation of Him. Then you will not allow any other love to become more important than love for your companion, your family, and your Creator. You will govern yourself not by someone else’s set of rules but by revealed principles of truth.

Your responsibility to [settle in] is uniquely yours. But you are never alone. I testify that the lifting power of the Lord can be yours if you will “come unto Christ” and “be perfected in him.” You will “deny yourselves of all ungodliness.” And you will “love God with all your might, mind and strength.” 36

The living prophet of the Lord has issued a clarion call: “I invite every one of you,” said President Hinckley, “to stand on your feet and with a song in your heart move forward, living the gospel, loving the Lord, and building the kingdom. Together we shall stay the course and keep the faith.” (The [settle in] insert is my own; the real word is “endure”)

You are amazing! We love you!


Sarah and US

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